
Johan Pelloni

Studying pastry is growing
as a chef

Johan is a cook with experience in different cuisines, but who recognizes the importance of expanding knowledge in different culinary areas.

He was convinced that he wanted to upgrade and jump into the dessert game in any restaurant in the world.

In order to have a wide range of new techniques and to be able to execute them with creativity and innovation, he decided to study the Postgraduate in Pastry and Chocolate.

After finishing his studies at the CIB, Johan tells us about his experience …

What did you do before studying at the CIB?

What prompted you to study Pastry and Chocolate?

What surprised you the most about the classes?

What is one of the best experiences
you had at the CIB?

How did studying this course
impact you?

What would you
say to someone
who wants to study
at the CIB?

Educating for the unknown and unpredictable includes not only training with a look to the
future but also in skills such as creativity and innovation

Postgraduate in Pastry and Chocolate