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Career Meta Chef Diploma

For those who not only want to lead kitchens, but also want to redefine the paradigms of the global gastronomic industry with our highest degree in culinary arts.

Candidate chef presenting a gastronomic elaboration.

Meta Chef program presentation

The updated figure of the Chef

To transform gastronomy in the 21st century, the figure of the chef must evolve

In a world where gastronomy is constantly reinventing itself, excellence is not a point of arrival but a never-ending journey. You must understand that what makes a chef great is no longer found only in his or her culinary skills, but also in his or her aptitude to lead people and manage businesses in a conscious way.

At the CIB - Culinary Institute of Barcelona we have conceived the Meta Chef concept as the ultimate culinary figure, designed for those who not only want to lead kitchens, but who want to redefine the paradigms of the global gastronomic industry.

The MTC - Metachef Diploma is not just a program, it is a metamorphosis. A Meta Chef has such a wide range of knowledge that he or she can work in any kitchen or restaurant business in the world, knowing how to adapt not only to diverse cultures, but also to the different panoramas in terms of products, technology, and contexts. A MetaChef is ahead of the challenges of the future. That is why we consider it our highest culinary degree.

This is our most extensive and intense combined program. A total of 41 months, a 4-year culinary degree, that combines four different learning and developmental stages:

  1. You will start with the PCAC - Haute Cuisine Chef Diploma, our most coveted program, in which you will train as a chef to face the new culinary challenges of the 21st century.
  2. Afterwards, you will continue your journey by deepening your knowledge through ALL of our specialization programs:
    1. PCD - Pastry and Bakery Chef Diploma
    2. PEC·H - Integrative & Healthy Cooking
    3. PEC·T - Advanced Culinary Techniques
  3. You will then develop your more strategic skills with our management specializations:
    1. ECD - Executive Chef Diploma
    2. DCS - Design, Creation & Strategy to Undertake your Restaurant Business
  4. And you will culminate this transformative experience with a total of up to 12 months of International Stage in which you will put into practice what you have learned in one or more of the many national and international restaurants with which the CIB has a collaboration agreement.

You will live the most transformative experience of your life during almost four years of a career in gastronomy in Barcelona.


The Meta Chef’s Learning Objectives

Preparing you for excellence

How is our highest degree in culinary arts?

4,256 hours designed to transform

each day of your learning experience into a show

We don’t teach you recipes, that would be copying

You'll learn to create and innovate
for the 21st century


Methodology CIB

International internships in restaurants where you can
continue learning with CIB

For three or six months you will put into practice much of what you have learned while you continue your training in one of the many national and international restaurants with which the CIB has a collaboration agreement under the criteria of educational quality.

Memorable experiences to complement
your professional chef’s training

We are constantly creating dozens of unique experiences for each call.

Who is the Meta Chef Diploma for?

For people who believe that
the traditional profile of the chef has become obsolete

Who chooses the Meta Chef Diploma?

Entrepreneurial people
who want to take on the world

The CIB is for you if...


  • Current culinary eduaction programs are outdated

  • Education is an investment in your future

  • Education in general fails to reflect the realities of the 21st century

  • Education should be international

  • Education should allow for a positive work-life balance

  • Barcelona is a gastronomic hub


  • To start your own business

  • To change your career

  • To gain the best education

  • To become a great chef

  • To stand out from the crowd


  • An entrepreneur

  • Passionate

  • Defiant

  • Creative

  • A leader

  • A non-conformist

Opinions on the diploma Meta Chef

The CIBers, our students, talk

Upcoming calls and prices

Your time is now

Los alumnos del Meta Chef comparten su experiencia con alumnos del PCAC · Diploma Chef de Alta Cocina y del GDC · Gran Diploma Chef. El número de plazas del programa MTC · Meta Chef por convocatoria es limitada y exclusiva para las candidaturas que consigan mayor puntuación en el proceso de admisión.

Next admission call

January 2025

€ 73,653

Upcoming admission calls

May 2025

€ 73,653


September 2025

€ 80,052


What the price includes

Absolutely everything

Benefits of being a CIBerSon

The CIB is just the beginning

Cibers, students of the Culinary Institute of Barcelona cooking.

[ Attitude ]


Being a CIBer means being ready for tomorrow. They are united by this forward-thinking attitude and their goal of impacting the future by enhancing their surroundings.

  • Job opportunities

    CIB alumni have access to our job bank called "I want a CIBer". The CIB is a guarantee of talent for restaurants, hotels and food companies.

  • Entrepreneurship

    We nurture the talent that comes from our classrooms. We are surrounded by great professionals who will know how to accompany you in the initial stages of your projects.

  • Events

    The CIB organizes and hosts many events, and you, as a student or alumnus, will always be more than welcome.

  • Networking

    When you finish your course, besides the knowledge you will have acquired, you’ll also have gained countless contacts of talented students from across the world, as well as your teachers. It will be up to you to make the most of them.

  • The next generation of teachers

    We keep an eye out for talent and nurture that which emerges from our classrooms. Sometimes we have the honor of incorporating this talent into our team.

  • Your continuous education

    CIBers will always have privileged access to our continuous education programs under the best conditions, including our postgraduate programs.

  • Use of the facilities

    The CIB will be available for you to accelerate your ideas, give your presentations or propose an activity whenever you need it.

Career opportunities of the Meta Chef career

For whatever your future holds

Here we teach you how to stand out


  • Head Chef of any type of cuisine

  • Responsible for innovation projects (R&D)

  • Founder of your own restaurant business

  • Gastronomic manager in the food and catering industry

  • New product development manager

  • Gastronomic consultant

  • Restaurant manager

  • Restaurant manager

  • Executive chef in any international restaurant and hotel chain

  • Any output of our culinary or management specializations

Your competitive advantages:

  • You will have reached an unimaginable level of culinary knowledge that you would not have been able to achieve in other schools.

  • You will be able to start your own restaurant business and have the mentoring and networking necessary to carry it out.

  • You will have developed cognitive and leadership skills that will allow you to lead a good culinary team.

  • You will be prepared to successfully integrate into any multidisciplinary and international culinary team.

  • You will be part of the CIBers network by being one of them. And this advantage is incalculable.

  • Your 360º vision of gastronomy, its environment, products, technologies and in any context will stand out.

  • You will have developed cognitive skills that will make you stand out to your team, your customers and suppliers.

  • You will be able to create, innovate and meet objectives before others.

  • You will have an advantage in restaurants or collectivities where your chosen specialty has influence.

Contact with

How do I submit my application to the CIB?

Our admissions team will walk you through each of these simple steps

  • Step 1

    Fill in the form

    The first step is as simple as filling out the contact form for one of our advisors to contact you.

  • Step 2

    Hear from one of our Advisors

    We will assign you a personal advisor who will call you as soon as possible and will guide and support you throughout the process to answer all your questions.

  • Step 3

    Submit your admission form

    It is time to complete the admission form. This step is crucial to successfully reaching the next stage of the application process.

  • Step 4

    Pass the evaluation interview

    If your admission form impressed us, you will move on to the interview phase with the Admissions Committee. This online interview will be set at a specific time depending on availability.

  • Step 5

    Get accepted into the CIB

    If you pass our evaluation interview, our Admissions Committee will send you an email with the exciting news that you have been accepted into the Culinary Institute of Barcelona.

  • Step 6

    Complete your enrollment

    You will have to reserve your place the same week you receive the acceptance email, and pay the rest of the registration fee within 15 days (30% of the total amount of the course you have chosen).